The mixture of these chemicals often causes explosions, and even if a meth lab is shut down, the toxins remain in the environment for a very long time. Making meth typically involves obtaining several hazardous and flammable chemicals such as acetone, anhydrous ammonia, ether, and lithium. Now, another method of manufacturing meth, called “shake and bake,” can be done as easy as taking a ride in your car. When you think of how meth is made, you may picture an old trailer in the middle of nowhere filled with pills, dust, coffee filters, and toxic fumes pouring out of a make-shift lab. The base component in meth is pseudoephedrine (found in decongestants and allergy meds), and it is produced by mixing toxic household chemicals such as ammonia, paint thinner, and acetone. The drug can be smoked, injected, or snorted, and when taken, it creates a feeling of increased energy and euphoria. Methamphetamine, also called crystal meth, or meth is a dangerous and highly addictive stimulant.